How much money can I make by coaching businesses?

Elena Brello
1 min readJan 28, 2021

Have you ever wondered what’s your current earning potential?

Earning potential means how much can you confidently generate month after month.

If you have considered health coaching you are in an industry that at the base offers $100/hr.

Most of us can effectively work only for about 4 hours a day for about 4 days a week. The rest of the time gets distributed in business development activities. If you are a part-time coach, you are looking at even fewer hours.

Let’s use this as a base for our calculation in this email.

4 hours * 4 days * $100/hr = $1,600/week

If you are a life coach, you make slightly more, about $150/hr.

That brings you to…

4 hours * 4 days * $150/hr = $2,400/week

If you are Coaching Businesses the math changes dramatically.

A business coach can easily charge $425/hr. This means…

4 hours * 4 days * $425/hr = $6,800/week

What you charge changes based on your experience and speed of results, but if we were to look at the base price of you working with your clients, you can see that coaching businesses increases your earning potential by three times!

So, how much money can you make coaching businesses?

Virtually, about 3x what you could be making right now with your current coaching practice.



Elena Brello

Fashion Addicted con la passione per la scrittura.